小禮服適合在婚慶,宴會裝束,晚宴裝束,表演裝束,酒會裝束,聚會裝束,儀式裝束,典禮裝束, 生日party裝束, 做姊妹裙

Perfect for stopping by during a long day of shopping! You will be delighted by the friendliness of our staffs & our professional hair stylists.
E美容 / 髮型設計及護髮Exclusive Salon

The workshop also offers a full range of repair and service facilities from regular day to day maintenance, up to a range of fast road conversion.

萬豪花車 Vanko - QQ Orange Van 愛靚のVan 有型又得意 真喺人見人愛! 歡迎致電查詢 Tel : 2628 3988
結婚 / 花車Vanko Wedding Services

Approx.: 500' + 500+ Roof Top, Walk Up Building, One Big Bedroom, Spacious, Cozy, Nice, Convenient, Fully Furnished.

婚禮司儀, 婚禮統簿, Wedding MC, MC

影樓攝影每節20分鐘, 自由選擇買多少節數 (星期六,日及公眾假期拍攝, 每節需額外收取附加費) *可取回全部4R數碼影像檔案(保證最少50張或以上) *即時印製3張防水防手指模4R相片 *所有服務均有一名專業攝影師和一位美術指導在場用心拍攝
攝影及影音 / 攝影Speedycat Photo Studio 快影館

Minimum price ever , Laptop for maximum usage Delivers high-performance with capabilities that perfect for daily use Wholesale deals on reasonable price Desktops, Towers and Laptops - Dell - HP - Len

專業婚禮司儀課程,除了課堂培訓, 更有機會跟隨導師出席真實婚禮實習,大大增加入行機會
結婚 / 婚禮統籌Angel Bless

Pre-wedding,Makeup ,婚紗攝影,化妝

專業新娘化妝及髮型造型,新娘化妝,姊妹化妝,謝師宴化妝 ,pre wedding, 日妝/ 晚宴 / 派對/ 謝師宴 / 姊妹 /伴娘
美容 / 美甲Minicorner beauty

用作Party room、排練室(舞蹈、戲劇)、手工班、瑜伽班、音樂會、拍攝錄影等等

M鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球MH Laser Engrave

新娘鮮花花球​ Bridal Bouquet (Fresh Flower) https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.415471428549767.1073741829.413877172042526 type=3 新娘絲花花球 Bridal Bouquet (Silk Flower) https://www.facebook.com/medi
C結婚 / 場地佈置Cosset Cosette

結婚 / 婚禮演奏Art Bro Performance Group

Event/ Corporate Video/ Product Video/ Wedding Video/ Animation
P設計 / 電腦動畫Profess.hk
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